she’s coming home

she’s coming home-

                     how slow the moon moves
                                         across the sky

“Blue” a video poem by Chris Leibow

for Brooke Marie

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more about ““Blue” a video poem by Chris Leibow“, posted with vodpod


Variations on a Theme

simply holding each other;
making love
breath on neck

simply holding each other;
making love
hidden spring

simply holding each other;
making love
moonlit sea

simply holding each other;
making love
howling wind

simply holding each other;
making love
net of stars

This poem was written when thinking about how its possible to make love without the act of intercourse, that the intimacy of sexuallity can be shared simply by holding each other and being present with our lover and that this gesture, this expression can be more meaningful and heartfelt than “making love”

This intimacy takes place in a context and the variations on this haiku are an attempt to look at them in different contexts.

White Lotus

white lotus;

not away from –

                  nor toward anything.





I wrote this haiku riding the bus to work. I was meditating on grace, beauty and surrender. It came to me that, at times my responses to life tend to be toward something or someone, or away from something or someone, not realizing that there is another possible conscious response – exhibited by a white lotus, radiant growing from the mud and water – it moves not towards anything nor away from anything, it simply is a lotus, simply radiant like you and I.

a meditation on love.

At times love feels like a demolition but in reality it is a beautiful renovation[1], if you are willing to let it be. It’s not love, but our responses to love that makes us giddy or suffer, it’s our myriad of projections of what is right and what is wrong, what should be and what should not be, how long it should last. But that is not love itself that is us. Love is simply a beautiful brilliant light from the other world, life seeking life, beauty seeking beauty it God’s first essence, “I love”[2] that fills everything, and it is up to us to make the beautiful shadow play with that light by being fearless and seeing “the other”[3] not as we would have them but as they are, and by being ok when the curtain falls. Or we can take that light and make a frightening shadow play by being fearful, and by strutting and fretting and weeping because eventually the curtain will go down.

No matter what, the curtain will always come down; in month, in a year in 10. At the end of our lives, the curtain always comes down. We can’t escape that. The question is then, when the curtain comes down, do we applaud with eyes filled with tears at the beauty of it all or do we complain that our seats were uncomfortable or that our role was too insignificant. Ultimately it is up to us.

We must always remember that love is the light and not the shadow. Dance in the light, The light! The light! Dance!

Thank God for love,
Namu amida butsu.

1. Rumi
2. Li Young Lee. “The Virtues of a Boring Husband.”
3. Rilke

lovers part

.watching the light fade out my bedroom window, drinking some tea. I took this photo with my cell phone and knew it would work for a senryu. How things change so quickly, like the fading of the light every evening and those small things we do with our lovers like quietly drinking a cup of tea.

day after a break up

the day after heartbreak –
I still imitate the Easter bunny
for a little boy –





this haiku was written this morning, for my friends little boy  Joseph,  I just had broken up with my lover the day before,  In a strange way it made the heartache that much more,  ” The world is so beautiful, because its difficult.”